Seven Days with Dingo
It's just one week since Dingo arrived in our lives. (Written 27 December 2013)
Meet Dingo - an adorable 10 week old Labradore puppy that Zac and Milka bought. No prize for guessing who picked out his name! He arrived by plane from Lima, and I'm not sure if dogs suffer similar effects of altitude as humans, but he certainly had lots of water in and out those first few days.
In some ways the week has flown, but in other ways he seems to have been here for ages. Suffice to say, much has changed since he arrived, and much of life revolves around Dingo.
Lex and Zac partitioned off a small area in the house for him, and fortunately they have a small yard where he can romp around.
Wire netting had to be added because he escaped within minutes. |
It is such a busy time for both Zac and Milka, with the launch of their Zenith brand and 5 craft beers on tap at Norton's on the plaza just before Xmas, and then supplying beer for one of the big NYE events in the centre next week. All sounds simple, but not so when he needs to get equipment made etc. It WILL be great on the night, and I'm sure they will both breathe more easily when 2014 arrives.
So We all take turns at Dingo Duty while they race around, and Milka works, and only gets 1.5 days off for Xmas.
Walking Dingo is a challenge in itself. He's ok on the lead, but even from the first day, flatly refuses to walk away from the front door. Day 1, I needed to go to the zapateria (shoe shop) nearby. First attempt, we got about 5m down the lane, and he refused to go further. He walked back home happily, even recognising his own door. Second attempt, with treats we got down the lane to the corner, and around the corner a bit - total of 15-20m. Once again coming home was a breeze. Third attempt, I made it all the way..... on my own.
With such a small yard, it's better to take him out for toilet walks, but that usually involves carrying him where we want to go, wandering around one of the park areas for a while, and he quite happily walks home. And yes, I will pick up deposits .... When they become 'solid'!!! There are lots of dogs around Cusco, many 'street' dogs, but also many owned by people who let dogs out in the mornings to roam streets, do their business etc. not really responsible pet ownership.
Yesterday, I headed out with Dingo for a quick walk, shut the front door, and then .... checked my pocket for keys! Bugger no keys! No cell phone either. There I was in the small front garden, which is surrounded by a high walled fence. Lex and Zac were out with a long list of things to do, one of which involved being at the brewery for a short time. Big question, should I risk it and walk up to the brewery, about 1 km, knowing if I went out the front door I was committed to being out, and unable to get back in, all wearing Zac's 'much-too-big' thongs. No-one there. So for Plan B - go into the centre to Milka's office, and hope she had her keys with her, but that would mean I needed money. Too far to walk with a dog that only walks in the direction of home. Phew, I had my purse with me, a heap of coins, but nothing over 50c coin and 100 soles note which would be useless. Drivers are reluctant to change a 10 soles note. I could take a bus, that's only 80c. Driver agreed on a fare of S/.4. I had that much. Lucky! What a day, but I also managed to lock myself in the kitchen later as well. Don't ask.
Dingo seems to learn fast, well some things at least. By day 2, Milka managed to get him to sit on command, although he will need to be bilingual, sign language alo works. Getting him to stay 'sitting' is another story, especially when food is involved. Good luck with that!
We had quite a few kids around on Xmas day, and he was definitely the centre of attention all day. He took it really well too. Bonus.
Xmas Eve is the big event here, with lots of fireworks everywhere and many people having their roast turkey at midnight, and presents opened after that. Xmas day is then just a day for relaxing. We were unsure how Dingo might react to the fireworks, especially if left at home by himself, so it was decided to take him with us.... To the bar. He was a hit! Zac, Milka, Lex and I were invited into residence next to the bar, around midnight, leaving Dingo with Zac's mate Rolf, who had been in charge of shopping for the puppy, and bringing him from Lima to Cusco. After an unexpected roast Turkey Xmas dinner with the family, Lex and I rescued Dingo from his many admirers and brought him home around 1.30am. Probably won't be his last bar visit.
Today, the boys are brewing, and I often take lunch up. Will be a light lunch today, as I'm pretty sure Dingo won't walk far.
He did manage to walk a little way, with much coaxing with treats, but walked all the way home. So much easier with 2 of us though.
Latest update: the vet says he shouldn't be taken out in the streets and lames until his vaccinations are all up to date. So we are back to yard duty for now.
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